Coding Rights - Annual Report 2023

Coding Rights - Annual Report 2023


Coding Rights is an organization that operates and discusses technology from a collective, transfeminist, decolonial, and antiracist perspective of human rights advocacy. We utilize creativity and hacker knowledge to stimulate imaginations that challenge power inequalities.
We act locally to have a global impact through a network of partner organizations, collectives, and inspiring people.
We believe in advocating for a truly participatory democracy and work towards bridging the gap between institutional politics and the discussions, reflections, and expressions that take place within social movements and activist circles.
Our activities include research; policy advocacy; storytelling; development of tech tools; digital care and technopolitics training; design of methodologies and facilitation of creative processes.


Digital technologies are gradually integrating our bodies and territories. Terminologies such as Biometric Identification, Smart Cities, Big Data, A.I, Internet of Things and VR are gradually showing up in public discourses as “innovative solutions” to improve public services and national security. But they can also pose a significant threat to citizen's privacy, freedom of expression, right to association, and even make us vulnerable to cyber attacks.

How do we walk freely in a territory surveilled by both companies and governments? How are all these new technologies changing our relations to our bodies and territories? Who is mining the data we produce in these relations? Who profits from it? Who gets excluded or more exposed? Are we restating colonial relationships disguised as innovation? Are smart cities actually meant to be fueled by social environmental conflicts, digital colonialism and waste?

Platform: Internet Cartographies

Tech Cartographies Map: Platform and Workshops

The Tech Cartographies is a platform to kickstart a debate about technology that goes beyond the field of ‘digital rights’ to encompass the concepts and concerns of feminisms and socio-environmental justice movements. Throughout 2023, the map was presented at RightsCon, in Costa Rica, and at theGlobal Digital Compact Americas Multistakeholder Consultationheld in Mexico, organized by the Mexican and German governments in cooperation with the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology. At the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) at Kyoto, we launched a newinteractive online version of the Map, currently available in English andPortuguese. This version was showcased during a Workshop we conducted in partnership with Minha Campinas and Casa de Cultura Fazenda Roseira, in Brazil, with the support of Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brazil.

Access the platform here.

Platform and Workshops: Why is Artificial Intelligence a feminist issue?

Platform: "Why is Artificial Intelligence a feminist issue?"

This is the key question of Not My A.I., an ongoing project that seeks to contribute to the development of a feminist toolkit that questions algorithmic decision making systems that are being deployed by the so-called Digital Welfare States. In a partnership of Paz Peña and Joana Varon, and with the support from FIRN - Feminist Internet Research Network - from APC, a series of AI projects that are being deployed by the public sector in Latin America were mapped, and a feminist framework to question these systems was developed. In an attempt to update the research on the implementation of AI in the Brazilian public sector, we submitted a series of FOIA requests to the same 45 federal public entities that we previously consulted in 2022, inquiring about the use of AI systems. With the support of Meedan, the gathered information resulted in the article "Artificial Intelligence: 2023 retrospect and what's to come". Additionally, the Not My AI project provided inputs for discussions and debates at all the events we participated in during 2023.

Access the platform here.

Research: Whatsapp Pay: The next frontier for the expansion of data monopoly

Article: ‘The climate change situation is being handled like treating a large, deep cut with a Band-Aid’: An interview with Alana Manchineri

The Branch Magazine published an interview by Joana Varon with Alana Keline, indigenous from the Manchineri indigenous people and communications coordinator at the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations in the Brazilian Amazon - COIAB . The conversation was about topics such as access to the Internet in the Amazon region, big tech exploitation of indigenous knowledge and territories and the struggle against the "Marco Temporal". It also brings many reflections about how addressing climate change depends on protecting indigenous rights and how technology plays a role in it.

Read the interview here.

Research: Whatsapp Pay: The next frontier for the expansion of data monopoly

Facial Recognition Seminar in Rio de Janeiro: Dialogues and Resistances

Together with legislators, activists, and civil society organizations, we discussed the impacts of the use of these technologies in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro - ALERJ. The seminar was an initiative led by State Deputy Dani Monteiro in partnership with Coding Rights, data_labe, Aqualtune Lab, LabJaca, CESeC, and the campaign "Tire Meu Rosto da Sua Mira" (Take My Face Out of Your Target).

Campaign: #SaiDaMinhaCara - Banning facial recognition in public spaces

Article Big Techs in the Financial Sector: The Case of WhatsApp Payment and the Expansion of Data Monopoly

Article by Joana Varon and Vanessa Koetz in which some results of the research "Whatsapp pay: The next frontier for the expansion of data monopoly"are discussed. It was originally published in Portuguese in the"Perspectivas e Controvérsias da Inovação Regulatória no Sistema Financeiro de Pagamentos" book, a compilation of articles that offer significant insights into the relationship between technology and the financial system.

Article: Facial recognition does not solve social problems

The compost engineers and sus saberes lentos

“The Compost engineers and sus saberes lentos” (to be launched) is another research in progress seeking alternatives, led by Joana Varon and Lucía Egaña Rojas. Initiated as a small piece for the Feminist AI Research Network, but intended to become a book, it has the goal to flag what is left behind in terms of decolonial imaginaries when we use the term “AI”. A terminology loaded by Hollywood and Silicon Valley industries to historically entail a metallic silver white male-led future. Instead, we propose the figuration of the compost as a reconnection to the land and with ancestral technologies that are regenerative to our territories.


Technologies are designed embedded with subjective values from the ones who develop or deploy them, most likely, white cis male from the Global North. Therefore, the future is likely to replicate many of the social inequalities that human rights movements fight against. To redress this scenario, this area of work has the goals to map and expose intersectional dimensions of power imbalances, considering race, gender, class, sexuality, etc behind digital technologies; raise awareness through creativity and community building; promote advocacy within feminist agendas in digital rights and foster our imagination for better futures and positive agendas through exercises of speculative futures in which technologies can be developed under transfeminist values.

Platform: the Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies

Platform: the Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies

In 2023, we continued to hold a series of workshops using the Oracle: among other meetings, we gathered to play it at the “Gincana Monstra'', organized by the Brazilian Transfeminist Digital Care Network; we also had a play session at the"Platform Cooperativism: what are the possible public policies?" meeting, organized by the National Secretary of Solidarity Economy of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment. Before that, the Oracle became an interactive installation of the exhibition "Ancestral Protocols and Technologies of Conviviality'' at the “AI: Ancestral Immediacies'' conference held by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt - HKW in Berlin, Germany. Furthermore, a text on the Oracle of Transfeminist Technologies was published in theMIT Press’s book Feminist Designer: On the personal and the political design. The Oracle was used to generate areport speculating on technologies from the perspectives of sex workers in Australia, and also helped the colleagues atNGO Nossasto envision new technologies.
Check the platform here.

Platform: M.A.M.I. Museum

Platform: M.A.M.I. Museum

A museum from the future, set in 3021 to exhibit pieces of feminist resistance against different forms of patriarchal violences. The idea for this project emerged in a workshop in Santiago, Chile, with a group of feminists artists and activists and support from Hivos.

Check the platform here.

Facial Recognition

Article: Facial Recognition: 10 Years of Resistance and Creative Partnerships to Bring the Topic into Public Discourse

For nearly a decade, Coding Rights, alongside other activists, researchers, and organizations, has been analyzing Facial Recognition technologies and sounding the alarm about potential dangers in their implementation. In this article, we bring together some of the initiatives we have promoted or supported to resist and inspire the debate in recent years. The text is currently available in Portuguese.

Interview with Joana Varon

Article: “Between the Past, the Now and the Future – An interview with Joana Varon”

Published by Superrr Lab, the interview "Between the Past, Present, and Future" with our executive directress, Joana Varon, is an inspiring conversation with Julia Kloiber on possible futures and technologies based on transfeminist values. Joana shares the story of theOracle for Transfeminist Technologies, a tool to foster imagination for the development of alternative, transfeminist, and decolonial technologies. The Oracle is a collaborative project created by Joana Varon and Clarote, from Coding Rights and Sasha Costanza-Chock, from Design Justice Network.

Read the interview here.


With the increase in digitalization, which was also particularly accelerated during the pandemics of COVID-19, we have also observed an increase in online violence with severe offline consequences to human rights activists. In Brazil, this scenario is even more challenging considering the rise of far-right groups who are tech savvy and use digital environments as battlefields attacking women, LGBTQIA+ people, black activists, sexual and reproductive rights advocates, land defenders, activists from the favelas and other communities that question the status quo of the white cis male heteronormativity of the dominant capitalist society. This trend, aligned with the business model of mainstream social media platforms, which is focused on turning hate into profit, results in digital environments prone to gender-based political violence, hate, threats and misinformation. In this area we focus on keeping track of emerging manifestations of digital violences and fostering a technopolitical and critical view of the tools we use for our daily activism, so we can have a more careful and strategic use of them and gradually shift towards supporting feminist infrastructures.

Safersisters Episode 7


In 2023, we observed an increase in online violence with serious consequences for the people from the global majority. In Brazil, particularly, there have been several cases of deep nudes involving girls, created by their schoolmates, and deep fakes of famous individuals circulating on social media. In other words, there has been an increase of AI-manipulated videos and images that attribute non-existent speech and behaviors to individuals. Therefore, throughout the year, we increased the dissemination of Safersisters gifs, especially episode number 7, a short educational video addressing the differences and how to recognize Deepfakes and Cheap Fakes (published in both English and Portuguese).

Meet the project Safersisters

Observatory of LGBTI+ Violence in Favelas

Continued engagement with Transfeminist Network for Digital Security Trainers...

...for rapid responses to attacks, project proposals and for adapting methodologies and projects to the pandemic context.


Sometimes, shifts in the political context require emergency actions that turn research into advocacy. This is what this area of work is about. And, as the internet is global, we nurture national, regional and global coalitions and/or networks to have strategic and collective engagement within policymakers in national, regional and international fora. Furthermore, we have also observed a growing demand for building digital security capacities and giving support during attacks due to the increase of threats against women, LGBTQIA+ people, artists, journalists and activists in Brazil. As a reply to this scenario, we have co-started a Network of Transfeminist Digital Security Trainers in Brazil to cope with the need for such emergency responses.

Radar Legislativo

Campaign Tire Meu Rosto da Sua Mira - Banning facial recognition in public spaces

In 2023, Coding Rights continued to engage in the campaign Tire Meu Rosto da Sua Mira, which advocates for the general ban of Facial Recognition Technologies in the Brazilian public security field, given the evidence of their abusive and non-transparent use. The ability to individually identify and track people undermines rights such as privacy, data protection, freedom of expression and assembly, equality and non-discrimination. One of the main initiatives within the campaign is the struggle for the suspension of the Smart Sampa’s implementation, a video monitoring and facial recognition program for public security in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Seminar: Facial Recognition in Rio de Janeiro: Dialogues and Resistances, which brought together legislators, activists, and civil society organizations to discuss at the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro - ALERJ.

Radar Legislativo

Banning facial recognition in public spaces

State Deputy Linda Brasil (PSOL-SE) presented Bill 470/2023 to the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe in November 2023. This bill is one of the outcomes of the #SaiDaMinhaCara initiative, a collaboration with over 50 parliamentarians who introduced bills in 2022 calling for the ban of facial recognition in public spaces, in coordination with civil society organizations and researchers. At that time, Linda Brasil served as a city councilor in Aracaju and submitted a bill addressing mechanisms to restrict certain uses of this technology.

Radar Legislativo

Platform Regulation and Misinformation: Engagement at SAD - Sala de Articulação contra a Desinformação (Articulation Space Against Disinformation)

In 2022, Coding Rights joined SAD (Sala de Articulação contra a Desinformação), a network of researchers and activists from different backgrounds working to monitor far-right groups and narratives in social media channels that threaten elections integrity and pushes for violence against vulnerable groups. During 2023, we had regular meetings for exchanging research diagnoses and also worked on several joint analyses about the draft bill 2630/2020.


CR team participated in several conferences and workshops in Brazil, Latin America and around the world.
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The Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies at the “Gincana Monstra”, organized by the Brazilian Transfeminist Digital Care Network. Brazil


25th Anniversary of the Berkman Klein Center. Boston, EUA


Global Leaders Meeting. Bali, Indonesia















CR team was interviewed or collaborated with media articles from Brazil and around the world.
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    CORE TEAM 2023




















